Shadows of Hope

What are we playing tonight? 😂


A TeamSpeak server is running for members to use as they like. Currently a few members are admin’s and can create new channels as needed. Everyone is welcome to share files using the TeamSpeak file browser, these are stored and backed up on a regular weekly interval. Please be respectful of storage space.

Connection details for the server can be requested from other members.

Project Zomboid

A dedicated server is running on the latest build (41 at time of writing) of Project Zomboid. Connection details can be grabbed from backlands if you want to jump on. There are a few mods on the server, they are:

In terms of the difficulty of zombies as well as server options, settings are tweaked a little from normal at the moment. In general zombies are made to be a little more squishy and loot a bit more abundant, this was done to make the game a little less intense for solo play. Feel free to ping if we want to revise settings or do a map reset. Also of note is that water and electricity shut-off is currently fairly late in the game and unlikely to happen.


This server is available for anyone in the clan that wants to jump in. It has been recently reset with a freshly generated map and it should be a fresh experience for anyone to jump into. If you want connection details please message backlands.